“Don’t just date someone that loves you, date someone that understands you, I mean someone that knows why you act the way you do” -@priestess_j

I saw this tweet yesterday while lurking in the shadows of twitville as usual and it resonated loud and clear. Why? you may ask.

Well, obviously I once had a boyfriend that loved me and I loved but unfortunately never understood me.

Crazy thing is I used to ask, “do you understand what I am saying?” and he would answer in the affirmative and I would do or say something and he would never get it, duh!!! when I explain he would say okay but I thought you meant this.

I would do the same thing another day and the whole scenario would occur all again.

Suffice it to say, the day we broke up, he asked if I was in love with him, I answered “I am still here”, he asked again, I finally said no but I am still here, he replied that means it’s over, I said okay.


A drink to all the miss-understood folks out there, may we one day we go bo lo wo awon “misinterpreters”

3 thoughts on “Misunderstood?

  1. Well,I believe not every guy is meant to understand a unique lady,thus the uniqueness….Not every key can open a key hole…So,when we feel we have found the one that do understand us,OMO!we gotta guard it jealously.*wink*…Nice piece Girl!


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